New teaching series

We’ve just finished a Sunday teaching series on vision.


Together we have looked at:

•   Jesus’ vision for the lost

•   Jesus’ vision for community

•   Jesus’ vision for worship

•   Jesus’ vision for baptism

•   Jesus’ vision for discipleship

•   Jesus’ vision for faith

•   Jesus’ vision for being the vine

•   Jesus’ vision for generosity.


If you missed any of these talks, they’re available to watch on our YouTube channel.


So what’s next for our teaching on Sundays?


From now until summer we’ll be working our way through two smaller series. The first of these is a mini-series covering some of the key themes of the book of Acts.


We will look at:


•   Hoping and waiting

•   The Holy Spirit

•   Community

•   Expectancy


The book of Acts tells the story of the early church, how Jesus’ disciples began to live out his Great Commission to “go into all the world and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18). The disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit, as Jesus had promised, and as they follow the leadings of God’s Spirit they are transformed as individuals, joining together in a counter-cultural Jesus movement that transformed society around them. They spread the good news about Jesus from the city of Jerusalem to cities and towns all across the Roman Empire.


This is what we want to be like as Lifehouse Community Church! We want to be transformed as individuals and as a community, becoming more like Jesus as we learn more about him and follow the promptings of his Holy Spirit. We want to transform society as we represent Jesus to the people around us. We want to see the Gospel spread in Banbury, Bicester, and the surrounding villages.


So as we look together at the book of Acts, let’s be ready for transformation - we want to be more like Jesus! Let’s come together on Sundays with open minds and expectant hearts, eager to learn from God’s word and go deeper in relationship with Him.




Remember 23rd March 2020?