Reflecting on Wildfires
At the end of May a group of us from Lifehouse joined our extended family in Salt & Light Advance and went to Wildfires, a Christian festival and conference. It was a great week! Wildfires felt like our kind of place - full of faith, passion, the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit, and a desire to see God move in our locations and across the nation.
There were some great times of worship, and I'm sure we'll be singing some new songs as a result. However, my personal highlight was a talk by Tyler Staton about the 'still, small voice' - about the importance of discerning the voice of God, since we never graduate from costly and risky obedience.
Partly as a result of that, and partly from reflecting on JB Masinde's talk on the Lord's Prayer at our recent celebration, I came back and made some radical changes to my morning quiet time - less reading along, more reflecting, speaking and listening!
The talks from the conference are now available to watch back on the Wildfires website.