The Coming of the King

In April we're starting a brand new series called "The Coming of the King"!

We're looking at one of the most dramatic and defining periods in the history of God's people - the rise of, and battle for, the monarchy in Israel. There's the epic storyline: the rejection of God as true sovereign, the faltering steps to find a monarch, and the questions of where to put their trust and identity. And amid the big themes, there are the stories and moments of individuals - the tears of Hannah, the musical shepherd boy who stood up to Goliath, the heroism of a prince who faced an army.

And through it all, God himself - patient with his people, demonstrating his power, weaving sovereignty and human choices together, and laying the foundation for, one day, the coming of the true king.

Why not come and hear more? Join us as we explore the book of 1 Samuel together!

You can find further details of our Sunday services via the calendar.


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