The weekend that changed the world


It’s the season of springtime, of lambs playing in grassy fields, of children searching frantically for carefully hidden chocolate eggs.

As followers of Jesus, however, Easter is about more than chocolate and flowers. When we celebrate Easter, we celebrate the weekend that changed the world. 

Over the next few weeks, our Sunday teaching will be focused on Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, two events that changed the history of the human race forever.

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, fully human and fully God. Whereas we have all done wrong things in our lives and disobeyed God, Jesus lived a perfect life, obeying God’s commands and teaching people how they could have a relationship with God.

Jesus was crucified, killed by being nailed to a cross. He was innocent, and could have rescued himself from this punishment, but he chose to die in our place, to save us. When Jesus died, he took all of our wrongdoing upon himself and eradicated it once and for all, meaning that we can have a relationship with God without our disobedience getting in the way. 

Furthermore, Jesus rose from the dead, proving that he was God, that he could forgive our disobedience and that he has the power to change our lives. Jesus’ death and resurrection mean that we can have a relationship with God, and that death isn’t the end - we get to live eternally with him. 

So at Easter we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These amazing events took place 2000 years ago, but continue to transform the lives of millions of people today.

Over the next couple of weeks, why not come and find out for yourself? Join us as we celebrate the message of Easter together!

You can find further details of our Sunday services via the calendar.


The Coming of the King


Exploring Prayer